T.H.E.E. New World Order & Sweet Resurgence
On April 17, 2022, at the University of West Georgia, The Brothers of T.H.E.E. Epsilon Xi Chapter hosted their T.H.E.E. Spring 2022 probate show. They unearthed their new Spring 2022 Line I.S. T.H.E.E. New World Order (NWO) and the New Members of T.H.E.E. OW Sweet, Inc. Sweet re. CONGRATULATIONS to Bro. Tivon Skeete I.K.A. WillpOWer, Bro. Jesse Carter, I.K.A. X-Factor, Bro. Kendarious Baldwin, I.K.A. Visionary, Bro. Isiah Denard I.K.A. T.H.E.E. Enforcer. A Job well done to the Dean of the Pledges Bro. Jordan Drake, and the Assistant Dean of Pledges Bro. Darius Mccoy. And CONGRATULATIONS to The Iota Queens, Alayszah Love SKA Tsunami and Aijalon Allen SKA T.H.E.E. Nova. Instructed by M.B. Caprecia Bulloch and Assistant M.B. Janaye Ausbrooks.

Iota Queens

The Show

From the beginning, these young brothers was on point, had enthusiasm, and kept the crowd entertained for an entire hour and half. Lead in by Bro. Drake and Bro. McCoy, the newly made brothers of NWO, showed the Campus of UWG as well as all others in attendance, frat or otherwise that they were here and wanted to be heard. Dressed in Green Ski masks, T-Shirts, Desert color tactical Vests, cargo pants, and workman boots, the brothers Death Marching across campus, and was lead to the stage where they began with greeting the Brotherhood in an orderly fashion through chants song and dance as well as gave tribute to the 5 sororities of the National Pan-Hellenic Counsel (NPHC) by performing their signature steps.
The Tribute to the Iota Queens

Caprecia Bulloch, & Aijalon Allen

A special tribute was given to the Iota Queens of Spring 2k22 and news members of T.H.E.E. Ow-Sweet, Inc., Alayszah Love SKA Tsunami and Aijalon Allen SKA T.H.E.E. Nova. Dubbed the Name “Sweet Resurgence” by their National Office, These young women show exemplary efforts in their resilience and willingness to support T.H.E.E. Epsilon Xi Chapter of Iota Phi Theta. In honor of these efforts, the chapter saw fit to publicly thank these women by providing them a front row seat with flowers, a sash, and crown, fit for a queen. The serenade to the Sweethearts is a long T.H.E.E. tradition as it was Sweethearts who supported the chapter when we needed it the most and it is why we give so much reverence to these women.

Earnest Rainer III & Aijalon Allen

Courtney Mitchell
For more images please visit West GA Gallery Images
Under The Veil
When it was time to unveil the newest members, each brother was surrounded by other members of the Fraternity who share their same line number, congratulating them on becoming an Iota Man, and was given an opportunity to address the crowd with there name and their line, and why that name was chosen for them .They proceeded the plan the unmasking with 3 signature steps when becoming an Iota; Funky Funky Step Show, The Dig, and The Infamous Centaur Walk. The Funky steps how was done as it was intended to be done, with enthusiasm, precision, and individualism, requiring all four brothers to step in unison with spins and chants of “A funky funkyyy, A funky step show!” being repeated throughout the routine. It was evident for me at this moment the these young brothers were having fun and enjoying putting on a show for the audience. The Dig, a favorite among T.H.E.E., is a step requires the Ace of the line, is build up the hype of the step by yelling to the crowd and explaining what it takes “To pledge I-Phi-T!”. As Bro. Skeete began to shovel the ground, his brothers soon followed in unisons, resulting in the crowd erupting in cheers and applauses on their showmanship and ability to move across the stage. The finally end in a row prepared to perform the most important step/stroll/chant to an Iota: The Infamous Centaur Walk. Standing in a row facing the crowd, Bro. Skeete begins yelling to form the centaur line, followed by Bro. Carter, Bro. Baldwin, and Bro. Denard. As they came together other members joined in and began the walk from left to right, chanting in a call and response fashion, and telling the crowd “WHAT WE CAME TO DO!” As they performed the centaur walk on stage, Iotas on the ground joined in to, from left to right, chanting ” THAT BOW THAT BOW, NAAAAWWWW, THAT SHIELD, THAT SHIELD!”
Once complete, Rosa Parks, by Outkast began to play and all brothers begin to perform the Rosa Parks Stroll, signaling to the campus to party with the Iotas. As the songs changed other Divine 9 began to congratulate and stroll amongst crowd of Iotas.
In The End..
The night ended great with the show being considered the best probate of the year at UWG and amongst the Gulf Coast Region of Iota Phi Theta year. The brothers were entertaining and enjoyed themselves showing the audience just who they are. It was a great experience and can not wait to see the next show in the Fall.
For more images please visit West GA Gallery Images